Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Day 42/90, Before and After Photo-Story!

Come on! Do you believe my 'Before' photo (see below)? Kai! I was a veritable Miss Piggy lookalike! Albeit a cute one. Lol! Honestly, you really don't understand the transformational journey you are on till you put the photos together like this. I could not stop laughing! I totally brag on God for the day I connected with Seun and began this Body by Vi lifestyle change. 

I truly wonder what I would look like had I been 'gyming' like I wanted to. So over the past 42 days, I have lost 4.4kg in all going from 79.3 to 74.9kg today. Plus inches and inches off my waist, tummy, hips and thighs! I know this because these black trousers I am wearing here could not zip up 42 days ago! Can you believe that I already fit into my 'Christmas Challenge dress'? Yes! The one I was hoping to fit into by December! It fits already! A-m-a-zing!  

Best Parts of my Challenge thus far? Never feeling deprived. Enjoying the journey with no pressure. The Shakes! I love them especially because I love my Zesty Juices. Knowing that I am getting healthier each day.  The satisfaction of sticking to something.

Worst Parts? Not being sure how many calories I was eating! Most calorie counters don't understand 'Ekpankukwo' or 'Sweet Potato Pottage' so always had to guesstimate. Getting tired of my lunches. Lagos traffic hindering my good intentions to go to the gym.

Anyway, I have strong faith that I shall lose another 4kg over the next 40 days by which time my MGM would be weeping profusely! Lol! Actually, he's been such a huge support but methinks he's somewhat conflicted now. He's want to eat the cake and still have it. Ce n'est pas possible o! Healthy, fit wife is equals to wife with less 'volupte' bits as he would say. Lol!  

You know, there is nothing like Sista on Sista support. I cannot thank my Team Salt Sistas enough for not allowing me quit. There is so much power in women coming together to accomplish shared goals and visions and the book I have brought on my journey today is all about helping you understand this power better - Sista Power by my 'behind the scenes encourager'. A phone call here and text message there, in her own quiet way cheering me on! Thank you Bidemi Mark-Mordi.

Would any of this be possible had my Mgm not decided to be there for me? Nope. Would I have been so diligent without the eagle eye of my Junior Coach? Nope. So, these two, I thank again also. Yes, I know that I still have 48 days to go but can you ever thank people or appreciate people enough? Nope. No one knows tomorrow so I do today all that I can by God's grace. 

Yes, my name is Salt and the photos you see below prove that with God in me, I am indeed Unstoppable! And you know what? So are you!

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!


  1. I am loving it. And feeling BIG :) Go Sista!

    1. I accepted the challenge! Will you Funmi? Big is not necessarily bad. But if you feel fat and unhealthy, then come join me o! Lol!
