Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Day 42/90, Before and After Photo-Story!

Come on! Do you believe my 'Before' photo (see below)? Kai! I was a veritable Miss Piggy lookalike! Albeit a cute one. Lol! Honestly, you really don't understand the transformational journey you are on till you put the photos together like this. I could not stop laughing! I totally brag on God for the day I connected with Seun and began this Body by Vi lifestyle change. 

I truly wonder what I would look like had I been 'gyming' like I wanted to. So over the past 42 days, I have lost 4.4kg in all going from 79.3 to 74.9kg today. Plus inches and inches off my waist, tummy, hips and thighs! I know this because these black trousers I am wearing here could not zip up 42 days ago! Can you believe that I already fit into my 'Christmas Challenge dress'? Yes! The one I was hoping to fit into by December! It fits already! A-m-a-zing!  

Best Parts of my Challenge thus far? Never feeling deprived. Enjoying the journey with no pressure. The Shakes! I love them especially because I love my Zesty Juices. Knowing that I am getting healthier each day.  The satisfaction of sticking to something.

Worst Parts? Not being sure how many calories I was eating! Most calorie counters don't understand 'Ekpankukwo' or 'Sweet Potato Pottage' so always had to guesstimate. Getting tired of my lunches. Lagos traffic hindering my good intentions to go to the gym.

Anyway, I have strong faith that I shall lose another 4kg over the next 40 days by which time my MGM would be weeping profusely! Lol! Actually, he's been such a huge support but methinks he's somewhat conflicted now. He's want to eat the cake and still have it. Ce n'est pas possible o! Healthy, fit wife is equals to wife with less 'volupte' bits as he would say. Lol!  

You know, there is nothing like Sista on Sista support. I cannot thank my Team Salt Sistas enough for not allowing me quit. There is so much power in women coming together to accomplish shared goals and visions and the book I have brought on my journey today is all about helping you understand this power better - Sista Power by my 'behind the scenes encourager'. A phone call here and text message there, in her own quiet way cheering me on! Thank you Bidemi Mark-Mordi.

Would any of this be possible had my Mgm not decided to be there for me? Nope. Would I have been so diligent without the eagle eye of my Junior Coach? Nope. So, these two, I thank again also. Yes, I know that I still have 48 days to go but can you ever thank people or appreciate people enough? Nope. No one knows tomorrow so I do today all that I can by God's grace. 

Yes, my name is Salt and the photos you see below prove that with God in me, I am indeed Unstoppable! And you know what? So are you!

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Day 35/90 Body By Vi Challenge Update - A Blah-ish Week.

I cannot put my finger on it but I'm not too fond of this past week. Something was ‘off’ internally but still I thank God because I know I'm still on track healthy lifestyle- wise. Plus there was the ‘Woman Cry Out PrayerConference’ that I attended on the 18th and THAT was just pure bliss and helped shake the feeling! There is always release in the presence of God and I promise you, God came down to meet with His women that day. Please don’t miss the next one coming up in March 2015. Fear not, I shall share the date when it is announced.

Anyway, I’m still enjoying my shakes thanks to my Zesty Juices but getting bored with my lunches. I am still trying to figure out how to pep my meals up. I couldn't post this yesterday as usual because the bathroom scales were not where they should have been plus Almighty NEPA had struck and I was getting ready for work in the semi dark! Lol! Yep! That's Naija life for you.

So that's why this post is a day late but better late than never, abi?

Fat Crushing In Process
Chest: 41" (down by 0.5")
Waist: 35" (down by 1.5")
Tummy: 39" (down by 1.0")
Hips: 44" (up by 0.5")
Thighs: 23" (down by 2.5")
Arms: 13" (same)
Weight: 75.3Kg (down by 0.6Kg)

No doubt, my body is changing. I can feel it. Yesterday, I wore jeans I could not fit into a month ago. Today, I can see the indents to my waist without having to hold in my tummy. Today, my MGM told me I'm disappearing! Gross exaggeration, mind you but it was music to my ears even though I still gave him my side corner eye! Lol! So even if the number on the scales is not moving towards 74kg as fast as I would like, I'm good and grateful for my journey and transformation thus far. That I have stuck to this for a whole month is just something else *patting myself on the back*. Lol!

And this update, the NaijaSista and Author I am carrying along is my dear Audrey Joe-Ezigbo. Her book, Double Impact is a must read for any couple doing business together. But like I always say, even if you are not in business with your spouse you should still read this book because the principles she shares apply to marriage too. And anyway, what other business is more critical that the one of staying married?

As you can see, not a peep about exercise because the honest truth is that I barely got any in this past week. Shameful, right? I know but na so life be o jare. Now that I think about it, maybe that's why my mood dipped? Hmmmm.......

See you next update around! 

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Official Weigh In - Day 28/90 - 75kg At Last

Incredible but true, I have been on this journey for 4 weeks! Wow! I have to say I'm super impressed with myself for sticking with it. I truly thank God because it's making a real difference. The style of my life is changing for good. I can tell that my body will not take kindly to eating heavy dinners after this. Just the thought makes me shudder now. Lol! Who knew?

So, here we are on Day 28. What do I weigh? 75.9 kg! Whoop! Whoop! True, that's just down by .3kg from my last week weight of 76.2 but I shall celebrate the big and small losses plus do you know when last I saw the number 75 on the scales? E don tay well, well! Lol! Moreover, Every step I take towards my target of 68kg is worth a whoop! Abi? Plus, I believe I have lost some more inches too but have decided to update those stats every two weeks now so we won't know till next Tuesday. 

Permit me to share an open secret with you. Losing weight is no mystery. It's simply about what and how much you eat and how much energy you burn up. In short, food  and exercise. Simple. Upper week I lost more because I ate healthily AND exercised regularly. Last week I still ate healthily, same  number of calories BUT I did not exercise as much. See? So, I'm going to make up for that in the coming days by Gods grace.

In the meantime, here I am raising my glass to my dear Coach Oluwaseun Olotu-Oke who just celebrated her birthday yesterday! Do send up a prayer for her. I am also toasting Daba Ibiama,CEO of Zesty Juices for being a very exciting part of my story thus far. To my Home Coaches aka my MGM and LBS and to my ever cheering Team Salt, here's to you all! Thank you! With you on my side, I know I can do this!

Can you see the shadow behind me? That's my former 79 kg self. And it's behind me for good! Lol!

I shall end this update on a 'green note' as in look at my dinner! It's the 'Green Machine! Lol! I know, it does look daunting but I promise it does not taste bad at all. It's a blend of Spinach, Carrot, Orange, Basil and Lemon. Lol! Ok, maybe that doesn't help matters too much but it works. 

And to throw in some more good stuff to my weekly updates, my 'Shake photos' will be sharing the spotlight with some of my favourite Naija books written by Naija women. Yes, I shall be carrying some of My NaijaSistas along for the ride! Today, kicking it off is Unoma Nwankor's 'An Unexpected Blessing'. So apt. This 'Becoming Sea  Salt' journey of mine is turning out to be more of a blessing than I expected. Love it! 

To God be the glory! See you next week by His Grace! 

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Official Weekly Weigh In ~ Day 21, It's A Photo-Story!

For this update, I am just really going to let pictures do most of the talking. Yes, because photos don't lie, right? So, without further ado, behold the 'Becoming Sea Salt" 21 Day Photo-story! 

Day 7

Day 14

Day 21

Can you believe it? I'm down from 77.4 to 76.2 kg!  I lost 1.2 kg, double what I lost last week! I just love my Vi journey and I'm bragging on God because I know He is truly helping me! I honestly feel good! Don't I look it? Lol! By the way, that's another one of Pam's Prints. She sells the loveliest fabrics. I just love  maxis in case you have not noticed *smiling*

       Salt in Maxi Feelin' Lighter and Mighty Blessed.

So this morning, My MGM pretended to be quite upset as he took my stats. He was 'mourning' the shrinking of his assets! Hilarious! Anyway, here is where I am today:
Weight: 76.2 ( down by 1.2kg)
Chest: 41.5 (up by 1.5")
Waist: 36.5" (down by 1.5")
Tummy: 40" (down by 1")
Hips (below the bum): 41" (down by 0.5")
Hips (on the bum): 43.5" (down by 1.0")
Thigh: 25.5" ( up by 0.5")

You know what I love? My two trouble spots, tummy and waist, are feeling the burn? I honestly believe my Home Coach aka MGM is to thank for this. The kind of belly crunches and strength exercises he put me through this past week were deadly! Soon, my Mother in Israel arms will follow! 

Exercise: I managed to do the gym at least thrice this week and I 'brisk walked' with my  Junior Coach aka Last Born Son. I also did my 'planksgiving' and can now hold the Plank for 35 seconds. My aim is to maintain this regime or improve on it. It helps! 

Food: I'm amazed at how disciplined I am about this. I, I know it's because my reasons for doing this are 'bigger than me'. So, it's Shake - Lunch - Shake+ One Snack. But do you know the highlight of my days? My Fruity Shakes a la Zesty Juices! Love! Love! Love them! Who knew the day would come when I would look forward to 'drinking my dinner'! Lol! Here are a couple of the ones I had this past week. 

All you need is a bottle of Zesty Juice and Two scoops of the Vi
nutritional shake and breakfast or dinner is served! 

For the breakfast ones, I also add a scoop or two of skimmed milk.

So that's where it's at as of today. I'm quite pleased with my progress and am even more committed to my cause than ever. My name is Salt. I accepted the challenge to lose 10kg in 90 days! Now, I challenge you! Till next time, remember God is especially fond of you! 

Here are the links to some of my 'partners':

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Official Weekly Weigh In - Day 14/90

I am in a state of total bliss right now. Not just because the kilos are melting away slowly but surely but also because I just feel good. As in, the way God must have felt each time He finished one more phase of creation and said it was 'Good'. My Universe is alright. No, I don't have all I need or want but feeling and knowing God is all over my business is always Enough. Just thought to share because this  my journey is a physical and spiritual one.  Now, down to brass tacks! What are my numbers saying?  Lol! *drum roll*

People, Your Salt is becoming Sea Salt o! See for yourself:

Weight.    77.4 kg ( down by .6kg or 1.2 pounds)
Chest.     40.5" (down by 0.5")
Tummy.    41" (down by 2"). Even my MGM was shocked here and had to measure it again. Lol!
Waist.       38" (down by 2"). How about that? Fantastic! 
Hips around bum.   44.5" (down by 0.5")
Hips under bum.      41.5" ( up by 1.5"). How come? Who knows? Lol! We keep watching.
Thighs.        25" (same)
Arms.          13" (same)

See? It's working. Do I hear you cheering? Lol! Thank you. The key to this challenge is consistency and patience. Do you see those two pictures down there? It took me 9/10 years to go from the 'Then' to the 'Now' so I am am not expecting to reverse that process in a magical abracadabra moment! 90 days is reasonable though and I'm going  for it! Because I am an Unstoppable Conqueror of the evil Flab! Yes I am! 

    2003.  Then (wow! I was skinny! And I just had a baby more or less! I really don't want to be THAT  skinny though. No, not a good look on!

    2014. Now. A blessed Mama. 1 kg down. A few kilos more to go and I'll be A'ight!  Glory to God!

Also, This past week I moved to a whole new level with my shakes thanks to Daba Ibiama's Zesty Juices!

Doesn't it look delicious? This is the Beet, Apple and Orange ViNutritional  Shake! Refreshing and totally satisfying. I also decided to make sure I had my two snacks a day in a bid to move closer to my daily calorie intake of 2000 calories a day. Who knew it would be hard to eat enough? Lol! Anyway Coach Seun assures me that where I don't the body will burn more fat to make up. Music to my ears. My fear was that if I didn't consume enough calories my body would store fat! That, I no wan hia! 

I still need to step up my exercise but I did go to the gym twice with my MGM and walked with my LBS and  if I add in the  crunches and arm reps my MGM made me do and Coach Seun's Planksgiving challenge, it's not too woeful. I can hold the Plank for 30 seconds now and my body is speaking Chinese but I like it! Lol!

So, there you have it people. My weekly update! Oh and did I mention I joined MyFitnessPal online? Very useful site and that's how I track my calories and water consumption. You might want to check it out.  Ok, Happy Independence Day to all Nigerians out there, more Peace from God to you and see you all next week!

Useful links: