Monday, 1 September 2014

The 'How' of My Becoming Sea (Healthier) Salt

I have decided to put more emphasis on the 'getting healthier' slant to this my journey. Because that is what I am really all about now. Being my healthiest self now. I know I will lose weight and I am praying most of it comes off my belly but for me to remain committed to my journey I have to look at it as part of my 'presenting myself as a 'living sacrifice' to my Maker.  Yes, this thought will keep me focused! I am getting healthy 'unto the Lord' *smiling*. 

So HOW do I aim to do it? What's my plan? Simple.  I am going to do the Body by Vi 90 day Challenge! I found out about this challenge thanks to some amazing true life testimonies posted by Oluwaseun Olotu-Oke on Facebook. For months I stared at the many photos but I think the one photo that really got me motivated was of this little boy who had been transformed from an obese child to a seriously healthy looking fit and slim little boy! I was so happy for him and his parents. That was when I thought, ' I should really do this'.  So here I am today getting set to transform my own body and life too. So excited! 

There are different routes to take and I have chosen to follow Seun's advice by going with the Shake + Snack + Lunch + Snack + Shake combination so a typical entry in my Food Diary will look something like this: 

Morning: Vi Shake
Mid Morning: Snack
Lunch:  Grilled Chicken Breast (skinless of course), Steamed Broccoli or Carrots and a side salad
Dinner: Vi Shake

My dear Coach, Seun has sent me a lovely list of 'Oyinbo oyinbo' meal options and I love them but still I will be 'Africanising' my days with options like moin-moin, Plantain & Efo-Riro and Sweet potato and shredded chicken pottage once in a while. I think the hardest bit for me will be not eating dinner. I love my dinner! Lol! 

How bout Exercise? Yes, there's that too! You know the day I posted my first blog here out of no where 'something' in my knee just snapped! I kid you not. I was not running or anything. I was asleep! I just heard a snapping sound and but for the pain, I would have thought I was dreaming. Call me 'over spiri' but I saw this as a clear attempt by the devil to derail me. I just laughed. I will do this challenge and I will find a way to do at least 30 minutes of walking at least 3 times a week .

So there you have it! My Road Map to Becoming Sea  Salt. Do pray along with me please and  do consider doing the challenge too.  Depending on the kit you choose you will be spending between N39,000 to N80,000. Yes, it's not cheap BUT I can tell you for free that it's not as expensive as 'ill health'. Sickness, Hospital bills, medication costs? Way more expensive! Financially and emotionally. Believe me, I know.

My next post will be on D-Day, the day my kit arrives! See you then! 

Here I am looking at the 'new' me 90 days from  Day 1 and  Glory to God, I like what  I see! Lol! 

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