Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Day 71/90: Maintenance Mode Activated.

It's  Official! I'm Sea Salt!!

Yes! Glory to God! It's just day 71 but I'm done! Mission accomplished.

 From now on, I'm launching into maintenance mode. If I lose any more kilos I will begin to look 'somehow'. Lol! So, just came by to share some update photos I took today. You will agree that I've had an amazing Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge and I really hope I've convinced you to embark on your own. If I could do it so can you! I shall be back on Day 90 for the final reveal photo update but for now, voila proof of my transformation to date: You can also read past blogs to get a better sense of my journey.

                                        79.3kg.                                                       74.4kg

           Took these today and it's actually day 71 but I was too tired to go back to edit the photo. Lol!

I'm still a little stunned when I look at these photos. It's amazing the difference 5kg /10 pounds can make. I'm so pleased I can once again wear my jackets. I'm even more pleased to feel healthier than I've felt in a long time. My BMI is now normal and I just brag  on God for connecting me with Seun, for surrounding me with great 'pillars of support' and for giving me the grace to stick to it. And best bit? My spiritual journey has also received a good jolt of life but unlike this one, that's one journey I shall be on for life. Yes, the quest for zero living is a never ending one. 


P.s. Coach Seun, fear not I shall upload my 'Lost It' video ASAP. That child must get those free meals!

Monday, 17 November 2014

Becoming Sea Salt Photo Story Episode 63/90

Why the sad look? Well, *sniffing* I am sad because the numbers on the scales refuse to move past 74.4kg! Ah-ahn! Just not fair! Since the last time I shared with you I have just been moving from 74.3 to 75.5 to 75.2 and today back to 74.4.  I repeat! No fair! Lol!

But wait! No! No need for despair for as the above 'Before and After' photos show, whatever I am not losing in kilograms, I am surely losing in inches! Yay! I just took the 'After' photo this morning and clearly fat is still being killed! I could even tuck in my shirt! Where art thou, o double rolls in the middle? Gone! Killed! And no Spanx sef!  So, no! Why shall I be sad? I shall'nt! I have reason to smile! And smile I shall! Lol!  

So what is my message to you? Don't worship the number on the scales. As long as you continue to eat right (Two shakes, Two snacks and a main, healthy meal) you will see results. And if you are better than me at the exercise thing, you will even see  greater results than I am seeing. I just cannot seem to get in as much exercise as I really want. I know Daba said to try to get it done in the mornings but I cannot lie, that is a serious high jump for me! Anyway, no moaning today! I am so grateful to God for my journey thus far and guess what? For the first time in a long, long, long time, I can tuck in if I want to! Lol! Diaris God o!

So today, day 63/90 of the challenge, I give God all the glory. I thank him not just for myself but for all my others sistas that have started off their own Body by Vi journeys too. I shall not name names because not everyone is doing it publicly like yours truly but they know themselves and I deh hail una all o! I wait with bated breathe for your transformations. I know they shall be spectacular!

Err...Yes, I do sort of remember that I said I would share statistics this update around, right? Haba? with all the photo evidence above are you in doubt? Lol! Salt is surely, inch by inch, Kg by kg becoming Sea Salt.  Maybe next time. And you know what? the most important thing about all of this is that I feel great inside and out. Physically and Spiritually. Yes, I do have some aches here and there and yes, I still have some stuff I am trusting God for but I remain steadfast in my faith! With God nothing shall be impossible and.....

Life is Beautiful! Regardless.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Becoming Sea Salt TGIF Health Tip (+ Bonus Photo Update!)

Water! Water!! Water!!!
Drink loads of it and here is one way to do it.

Keep a bottle/container of water close by and set a 30 minute timer/reminder on your phone/laptop/Ipad/laptop reminder to 'Drink Water and Praise God'  See? This way, you
nourish both your body and your spirit at the same time!

This container you see there is 1.2 litres. I keep it on my desk and before I shut down for the day I have had two not counting my teas (right now I am drinking moringa and aloe blossom tea herbal teas. Usually it's just green tea). That way I know that any additional water I drink is just 'jara'!

I promise your body, your skin and your colon will love you!!!! Lol! Oh and sometimes, like this time, when water gets boring, I add some lemon slices/quarters.

And yes, bonus tip for those of us who still work : Keep photos of your loved ones close by at work. During those tense moments when you want to 'stick a pencil in someone's ear' (only my Sistainlove, Audrey will get this), you look at your photos take a deep breathe,  exhale, smile and remember that there are more important things in life than a 9 to 5......Like my LBS and Mini-Coach!

And to close this blog, in place of a photo of my scales and statistics, kindly find a photo I took this morning on my way out to work. I was so upset with the lady that made this jacket the first day I got
it. I mean, did she not measure me? How come it was so tight I could not even button it! Did she ask
me to gain weight in the time it took her to make it. Lol! Today, thanks to God via the Body by Vi Challenge 90 Day Challenge, it now fits!

So, do you really need numbers in kg and inches when a picture speaks louder than words any day? *smiling*
Bon Weekend People!

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Celebrating Day 45/90 and A Good Man.

It's my 'Half-Way' Point! Yes!!! 

And I'm celebrating making it to this important milestone! But rather than talk too much, I want these pictures to speak for me. 

They are proof that if your reason for embarking on any self improvement project is first of all to 'please God', you will stay the course. Getting healthier was, for me, a spiritual commitment. So, for the first time EVER, I have taken steps towards having a healthier and slimmer body and I am succeeding! 

They are also proof that I'm blessed and highly favored to have a mighty good man by my side and in my life. Through thick (literally. Lol! ) and thin he's been true. I choose to celebrate him today. Just because. Plus, apart from his 'mock moaning' about me being a skinny beanie now he has been a good Home Coach.  My Love, yes, you drive me up the Great Wall of China sometimes but every time I do 'The List', the stuff you do that make me love you always outnumber those you do that make me mad. So , I dedicate my self-awarded 'Oscar' for going from 79.3 to 74.4 kg * to you! Lol! To God alone be the glory for our lives.  

You see this dress I now fit into? I could barely get it past my hips 46 days ago. But I loved it and decided not to have it altered. I told Pamela I would use it as motivation to lose some weight. This was before I even met Seun or started the Challenge. 

*Yes, since Tuesday, I've lost 0.5kg! I was 74.9 then. I'm 74.4kg today! Tell me, what's stopping you from contacting my coach, Seun Olotu-Oke?